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Cache - Hack The Box

On Cache, we start off with bypassing a simple login form that uses client-side user/password validation, then find a vhost with a vulnerable OpenEMR application. After bypassing the login page, obtaining a valid session cookie and dumping the database through a SQLi injection vulnerability we exploit yet another OpenEMR CVE to get a shell. From there we have access to a memcache instance holding more credentials in memory so we can escalate to another user. Using the docker group membership of that last user, we’re able to launch a privileged container and get root privileges on the host itself.

Blackfield - Hack The Box

Blackfield was a fun Windows box where we get a list of potential usernames from an open SMB share, validate that list using kerbrute, then find and crack the hash of an account with the AS-REProasting technique. After getting that first user, we’ll use Bloodhound to discover that we can change another account’s password, then from there access a previously locked down SMB share, retrieve an LSASS dump file and get more credentials. For the last part of the box we’ll abuse the Backup Operators role to download a copy of the NTDS.dit file and recover the administrator NT hash.

Admirer - Hack The Box

Admirer is an easy box with the typical ‘gobuster/find creds on the webserver’ part, but after we use a Rogue MySQL server to read files from the server file system, then for privesc there’s a cool sudo trick with environment variables so we can hijack the python library path and get RCE as root.

Multimaster - Hack The Box

Multimaster was a challenging Windows machine that starts with an SQL injection so we can get a list of hashes. The box author threw a little curve ball here and it took me a while to figure that the hash type was Keccak-384, and not SHA-384. After successfully spraying the cracked password, we exploit a local command execution vulnerability in VS Code, then find a password in a DLL file, perform a targeted Kerberoasting attack and finally use our Server Operators group membership to get the flag.

Travel - Hack The Box

Travel is an awesome box from my ATeam teammates xct and jkr. The box has a code review part where we analyze the source code of a PHP web app to find a command injection vulnerability in a curl command. We then use the Gopher protocol to perform SSRF and write a serialized PHP payload into the memcache database. For the priv esc part, we manipulate attributes of a user in an LDAP database which is used by the NSS facility to extend the Linux authentication database.

Remote - Hack The Box

Remote is a beginner’s box running a vulnerable version of the Umbraco CMS which can be exploited after we find the credentials from an exposed share. After landing a reverse shell, we find that the machine has TeamViewer installed and we can recover the password with Metasploit then log in as Administrator.

Quick - Hack The Box

Quick was a hard box with multiple steps requiring the use of the QUIC protocol to access one section of the website and get the customer onboarding PDF with a set of default credentials. We get to play with ESI template injection to get the initial shell, then abuse a race condition in a PHP script so we can pivot to another user then finally we priv esc to root by finding credentials in the printer configuration file.

Magic - Hack The Box

Magic starts with a classic PHP insecure upload vulnerability that let us place a webshell on the target host and then we exploit a subtle webserver misconfiguration to execute the webshell (even though the file name doesn’t end with a .php extension). Once we land a shell, we escalate to another user with credentials found in MySQL and priv esc to root by exploiting a path hijack vulnerability in a SUID binary.

Traceback - Hack The Box

Traceback was an easy box where you had to look for an existing webshell on the box, then use it to get the initial foothold. Then there was some typical sudo stuff with a LUA interpreter giving us access as another user then for privesc we find that we can write to /etc/update-motd.d and those scripts get executed by root.

Oouch - Hack The Box

Ooauth was a pretty tough box because I was unfamiliar with Oauth and it took a while to figure out the bits and pieces to chain together. The priv esc was pretty cool, we had to talk to the uwsgi socket directly to manipulate the REMOTE_ADDR variable and exploit a command injection vulnerability in the script calling iptables.