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Mini WebSocket CTF

During the holidays, @stackfault (sysop from the BottomlessAbyss BBS) ran a month long CTF with challenges being released every couple of days. Some of challenges were unsolved or partially solved challenges from earlier HackFest editions as well as some new ones. There was also a point depreciation system in place so challenges solved earlier gave more points. This post is a writeup for the Evilconneck challenge, a quick but fun challenge with websockets and a bit of crypto.

AI - Hack The Box

Exploiting the simple SQL injection vulnerability on the AI box was harder than expected because of the text-to-speech conversion required. I had to use a few tricks to inject the single quote in the query and the other parameters needed for the injection.

Bitlab - Hack The Box

I solved this gitlab box the unintended way by exploiting the git pull command running as root and using git post-merge hooks to execute code as root. I was able to get a root shell using this method but I still had to get an initial shell by finding the gitlab credentials in some obfuscated javascript and modifying PHP code in the repo to get RCE.

Craft - Hack The Box

Craft was a fun Silicon Valley themed box where we have to exploit a vulnerable REST API eval function call to get RCE. After getting a shell on the app container, we escalate to a user shell on the host OS by finding credentials and SSH private keys. To gain root access, we have to generate an OTP token with the vault software installed on the machine.